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National Penguin Awareness Day!


National Penguin Awareness Day!


Fun fact: I was a zookeeper for over 10 years theres a picture of me above with some of the penguins I used to work with.

So having just discovered that today is National Penguin day I have decided to write a little article to celebrate (because its lockdown- we all need cheering up and who doesnt love Penguins!?

So ive added some resources below to celebrate all things Penguin.

Live Streams

You can view LIVE Penguins vid Edinburghs Zoo's Webcam.

The California Academy of Science

Cotswold Wildlife Park

Phillip Islands Little Penguins

Or Monteray Bay Aquarium 

Theres also some great Penguin Themed Learning Activities here.

For those of you with Disney Plus the Disney Nature series is great for little ones and has an accompanying educational package here.


For younger tots why not have a go at some penguin colouring or have a hunt through the book shelves to find any penguin related books, or stick happy feet on and waddle like a Penguin.

I hope you all have a Penguin-tastic day!




Kayleigh & The Boys


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