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"I cannot give Mum's Guide to Hertford any more credit for what they have done for our small business. Our bookings have tripled since having them spread our name. Kayleigh goes above and beyond and knows what to say and at the perfect time and we would not be where we are today without her!" Youth Create Does Parties


Who we are....

Mum’s guide to Hertford is a FREE resource for mums, dads and other carers in and around Hertford so we are the perfect place to get your business noticed by local parents. 

We had an ever growing and loyal base of local parents and can help you to reach your niche market.

Award winning company....

In March 2021 Mum's Guide To was awarded "The Family help directory of the year 2020/2021" in the London and south east prestige awards! In 2021 Mum's Guide to Hertford was also nominated in the Little Ankle Biters Herts awards as " mumtrepreneur of the year" and in the happening in herts lockdown awards as a "lockdown hero" for our online content and directory during lockdown. 

What makes us different?

The main thing that makes us stand out from the crowd when it comes to advertising is our user persona. User personas are used by companies in their marketing strategies in order to get into the mindset of their clients. Mum's Guide to is unique because our target audience is parents within the town of Hertford and the surrounds. Instead of creating hyperthetical user personas we can take the guess work out of marketing to this specific niche. We know how best to target mums (dads and grandparents) in Hertford , we know what makes them tick because I am a mother living in Hertford myself. Our level of local expertise by focusing on a single town puts us at a huge advantage and we are able to use that expertise to help you to best market your business to the audience it needs to reach the most. 

How much do advertisements cost?

Our Paid advertisements start from just £5 per month (minimum of 2 months).


We have a large social media following across all platforms and social media promotions are reserved for our paid advertisements (or charity events at our discretion). Our engagement rates on social media are very high sitting at 39% for Facebook (1st-7th February 2021) and 12% on instragram (same dates). We have a DA score of 23 (Last checked December 2021)

Business Listings
List your business or organisation in one, or more, of our 9 categories (Basic listings are free). Complete our online listing form to add your details to the website.

Banner Advertising
Make your business stand out with your own banner in one of our advertising spaces.  Spaces can be booked for as little as 1 month.

Homepage Feature
We have two Feature spots available on our homepage where you can promote a campaign or an event in more detail than a banner ad might allow with an accompanying logo or image.

If you want space to say more about your products or services or provide information then an Article will give you just that.  A link will be displayed on the homepage and the full article will appear on the articles page.

Event Listing
Add the details of your forthcoming event to our What's On page for free by completing our on-line form. Events must be suitable for children/teenagers or families.
We will also include adult-only events in aid of a local charity or a charity for children.

Download Advertiser's Pack for full details
of all our advertising and listing options and prices.


Our Tried and Tested blog page is extremely popular and we have a reputation for producing trustworthy informative blogs for parents regarding tourist attractions and events (with a particular emphasis currently on covid measures) we have a good rate of direct bookings as a result of our blogs and work alongside many large local tourist attractions in and around Hertford. We also featured in the Tots 100 UK Parent bloggers since August 2020.

For more information on our bloggin services please email us here.   

Contact us to book

If you require any further information or if you would like to make a booking please contact us and we can help you to get your listing or advertisement organised as soon as possible or send you more information.**   

Link back to Mum's guide to Hertford

If you are already listed here a link back to Mum's guide to Hertford from your own website would be much appreciated.  We have created some images that you can use.

Update  your listing

If you are already listed you can contact us any time to update your listing.

**We reserve the right to refuse listings, banner advertising, features, events, notices and newsletter articles for any reason, including for being inappropriate or incompatible with the website.



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