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tried & tested

When there are so many places to choose from it's hard to know where to visit! In good or bad weather, with very young children or older teens, activity venues or quiet walks, every venue will offer something different with a variety of facilities available. We will add our thoughts on places that we have Tried & Tested so that you are well-informed before you make your decision to leave the house!

A day at the Great Fen Countryside Centre


We were very kindly invited to a summer session at the Great Fen Countryside Centre at Ramsey Heights, and what I didn't realise was that an hour and a half booked event would turn into a whole day of fun! 

As soon as I was asked if we'd like to attend the Owl Pellet Dissection Session, I knew that it sounded right up my boys street, but I didn't quite anticipate just how much they would enjoy it. They spent a good hour searching through their allocated owl pellet for bones and found so many they couldn't believe it - especially when they spotted what was clearly a rodent skull! 


The staff there were really helpful, really knowledgeable, and really patient with my rather excited children. They answered all their questions and gave them lots of information, including a little pack that they got to take home along with their collection of bones! 

Once we were done with the session, there was so much more to explore. We love a good nature reserve, but we especially love them when they have stuff for the kids to explore. They have the Great Fen Newton's Trail which takes them round the reserve where they have to look for the marked posts and have a go at the activity on the accompanying guide. You can pick the trail up from the information point, along with a pencil to help you fill it in.

Along the route there are many things to explore. There is a bug hunt area, a bird hide, ponds (they run pond dipping sessions), and plenty of den-building areas. And if your kids like climbing trees, there are plenty of those too! 


Something the boys really loved was the new mud kitchen that has been built. They played with it for 2 hours which is unheard of! There is so much fallen fruit around the area, they loved mixing it all up and mashing it into tasty treats(!). I believe the mud kitchen is only open on days they have events running but don't quote me on that! They also loved the tree tunnel!


The countryside centre has toilets and there are plenty of picnic areas, along with a brand new outdoor covered area where you can happily eat or escape the intense heat or rain...whatever comes your way (we had both on our visit).

They run regular family events every school holiday, as well as a monthly Wildlife Watch for children 6+ and Little Bugs club for 3-6 year olds. The nature reserve itself is open every day from dawn to dusk and toilets in the Countryside Centre are open most days from 9am-4pm. Car parking and entry are free, and well behaved dogs under close control are welcome.

It really is a great day out and is a bit of a hidden treasure! 

You can see their full list of events here.

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