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tried & tested

When there are so many places to choose from it's hard to know where to visit! In good or bad weather, with very young children or older teens, activity venues or quiet walks, every venue will offer something different with a variety of facilities available. We will add our thoughts on places that we have Tried & Tested so that you are well-informed before you make your decision to leave the house!

Aztec Adventure Golf at Dobbies


We recently discovered that Dobbies in Huntingdon has a brand new adventure golf that is now open, and so we decided to take a trip down there to try it out. We've previously been to the golf at Rushden Lakes but figured that it's a huge bonus if we have a decent one nearby! 

We booked online just to ensure we had a timeslot, but there was lots of availability so turning up and playing is totally doable. The golf is outside, just to the left of the main entrance, but to get to it you have to go into the actual store. Upon arrival, we checked ourselves in and were given our golf clubs and the man in the golf shack made sure both the kids had the right sized clubs. We then chose a different coloured ball each, grabbed a scorecard and pencil and went on our way to hole 1.

There are 18 holes altogether which range in ability. Some are quite simple, some are a bit more complicated! The setting is really fab, with a stone temple, an airplane and a waterfall! Plus there are a bunch of props to look at on the way round like a crocodile and some monkeys! The boys had fun seeing what was coming at the next hole. 


It probably took us around an hour to do the whole thing, although there were 5 of us so it'd probably be a bit quicker if there are less of you. The boys didn't get bored, managed every hole, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. There are supposed to be sound effects as you go round the course but they were having issues with them on the day - hopefully that's all fixed now though! 

Price-wise, it's really reasonable in comparison to other places and children aged 5 and under go free so that's a real bonus...my youngest is still 5 so for 3 adults and 1 child, it was about £36.

Overall, we had a really fun time and we'll definitely be going again! You can find Aztec Golf by visiting https://www.aztecgolf.co.uk/

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