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Youth Rangers at Blow's Downs Orchard
Half Moon Lane Entrance to Blow's Downs
Tue 18th February 2025
Join other young people in taking action for nature by helping the Wildlife Trust to improve the orchard area found on this reserve.
Meeting point: Half Moon Lane Entrance to Blow's Downs, LU5 4AE
Cost: FREE
Contact number: 07874895633
Additional info: Please book via the EventBrite link or contact Matt for more details and if you are under 18 as parental consent is required for anyone that age who has not attended a youth ranger session before
During this Youth Ranger session, for anyone living in Luton or Bedfordshire who is aged 12-18yrs old, we will be helping to look after the apple tree orchard located at Blows Downs by mulching and pruning the trees there.
We will meet at the far end of Half Moon Lane where the entrance to Blow's Downs is, From here it is a short walk to the orchard area. There will be hot drinks available as usual.
Tools, refreshments and safety gloves will be provided to all those attending. It is a great chance to meet other young people interested in the natural environment, to learn new skills and to explore a variety of green spaces.
Please dress for the weather and wear sturdy boots, no experience is required just some enthusiasm and willingness to join in. Staff are on hand throughout the session and do contact us before this event if you have any queries. If you have not attended a Youth Ranger session before there is a parental permission form to complete for those aged 18 or under.