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tried & tested

When there are so many places to choose from it's hard to know where to visit! In good or bad weather, with very young children or older teens, activity venues or quiet walks, every venue will offer something different with a variety of facilites available. We will add our thoughts on places that we have Tried & Tested so that you are well-informed before you make your decision to leave the house!

To arrange a Tried and Tested blog at your attraction or facility please contact us here:

Our Sensory Magic Experience


I was kindly invited along for a session at Sensory Magic by the lovely owner Allison, I went along with my two youngest Scarlett who is 2 and a half and Oscar who is approaching 12 months.

Firstly it was very easy to locate, easily accessible via car or public transport and parking wasn't an issue. Upon arrival I was greeted very warmly by Allison, before being invited inside, then I was shown where the toilets were and offered a drink. I could see immediately that the sensory room had been made to a very high standard, a lot of thought has gone into utilising spaces and creating different zones.

Straight away Scarlett spotted the interactive floor which is wonderful, we sat and watched the fish and touching the water to create ripples. Allison showed us a number of different possible settings that the interactive floor could do which ranged from calming scenes to musical games including number and letter games, so it could be used by a wide age range. Scarlett then explored the busy board, pulling toggles, pressing buttons and opening and closing latches, it most definitely kept her busy. Watching Scarlett explore the room was wonderful, I was mesmerized by how engrossed she was in everything, she loves finding out how things work and has a thirst for learning. When Oscar finally woke up he immediately dipped his toes in the virtual rockpool and tried to catch the crabs, Scarlett picked up the wireless remote for the borealis tube to show him how the walls changed colour when she pressed the colours on the remote.

Whilst the children explored the room Allison told me a little of her background and why she set up Sensory Magic. She has a whopping ten years experience in working with children and adults with disabilities and has found there are limited places that offer a safe that can be adapted for a multitude of needs. 

Sensory Magic is a very adaptable space and can easily switch from being a calm chill out zone with soft lighting and bean bags to a fun and engaging learning space, It is suitable for absolutely anyone, can be used on a one to one basis or groups for as little as ten minutes up to whole day use. Prices start from as little as £10, find out more about prices here.

I think Sensory Magic will be an asset to our town and can see it being used by a wide range, we cant wait to return. 

Thank you for having us Allison

Leanne, Scarlett & Oscar xx

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