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Booking in advance

Daisy Birthing helps women enjoy a positive pregnancy and prepare for a confident birth. Classes take the best elements of pregnancy yoga, active birth, hypnobirthing and antenatal classes, and wrap them together in a powerful class. Friendships are encouraged with WhatsApp groups. 1.5hr classes for 6 weeks, suitable from 14 weeks pregnant and continued throughout pregnancy, or just for one term.


Quaker Meeting House, 109 Handside Lane, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6SP
Booking in advance

This 4hr workshop for mum-to-be & birth partner takes the best elements of traditional antenatal education, hypnobirthing and active birth classes and equips you fully for an active labour. Topics covered include the labour journey, when to call the midwife, breathing and relaxation techniques, tips for birth partners, massage and support techniques for labour, positions & movements for each stage


Based in Welwyn
Booking in advance

Daisy Parent is a practical, modern and fun antenatal course in Welwyn Garden City for expectant parents, helping you and your partner confidently prepare for birth and life with baby. Designed with up to date and evidence based education, to ensure you have all the education, tools and support you could need. We help you to truly prepare confidently for your upcoming birth and the early days of caring... Read more


109 Handside Lane, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6SP

A CubCare antenatal course draws on elements of active birth, hypnobirthing, parentcraft and traditional antenatal classes, to create one very powerful combination.

From birth plans to massage in labour, informed choice to interventions, feeding your baby to changing their nappy and even wearing your baby. There is so much covered in a CubCare antenatal course.

Meeting... Read more


1st Welwyn Scout Hut, Lockleys Drive, Welwyn, AL6 9LU
Penn Clinic, Hatfield, AL10 0RN

Had a baby before and expecting another? Wanting to refresh your memory on all things labour, birth and babycare? Want to know how to prepare your older child or children for the new arrival and make for a smooth transition?

This unique course teaches why preparing for the birth you want is so important. To either have a different birth experience, or learn to feel more in control this... Read more


1st Welwyn Scout Hut, Lockleys Drive, Welwyn, AL6 9LU
Booking in advance

Pregnancy Yoga United Reformed Church WGC- 7.15pm

Mother and Baby Yoga at the View, Welwyn- Monday at 11.30am

Mother and Baby Yoga at Hatfield House - Wednesday 9.30am

Booking details
or call / whatsapp Anna 07737 996 563

Summer Retreats
20th July
10am - Mother and Baby Yoga... Read more

Contact details:



United Reformed Church, Church Road, Welwyn, AL8 6PR

Bump & Baby Club provides modern antenatal classes in the heart of Welwyn Garden City. Get ready and prepared for the arrival of your baby and make a new set of friends to share your journey with!


Best Western Hotel, Homestead Lane, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 4LX

A CubCare Pregnancy Yoga class is a fresh approach to pregnancy yoga.

We combine functional and relaxing yoga moves and hypnobirthing elements to create an educational and relaxing hour long pregnancy yoga class. You can learn why certain movements are brilliant to make space, to aid comfort, to encourage baby's positioning and ultimately potentially lead to a more efficient birth.... Read more


Howlands Baptist Church, The Commons, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 4RW
The Penn Clinic, Winchester Course, Hatfield, AL10 0RN
Booking in advance

The CubCare Postnatal Course is designed to bring the best education, support and friendship. The course runs in 2hr sessions weekly, covering topics such as starting solids, baby sleep, wellbeing, babywearing, first aid and infant development.

Sessions can be booked as a full course or individual booking for some sessions is available.

Suitable for those with babies... Read more


1st Welwyn Scout Hut, Lockleys Drive, Welwyn, AL6 9LU

Hertfordshire Family Centres offer a range of activities for all children from pre-birth to 11 years old. Our term time activities are designed for all pre-school children, we offer a range of stay & play sessions, Intro to solids, Baby massage as well as baby & toddler health clinics which are led by the health team, first aid courses run during the term as do preparing for baby courses.


Creswick Family Centre, Sir, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 4FL
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