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30 Things To Do At Home


This article was originally written and published in 2020 during the COVID pandemic.

These ideas vary in age range so some will be suitable for younger children and some for older and some can probably be adapted to suit everyone. However, where possible, get the whole family involved and really make this a positive family time, even if it’s just getting the older children to help organise, setup and clear up activities for the younger ones. We’ve also added some educational online resources at the bottom for when everyone needs a little down time!


1. Make a life-size paper doll - Lay out a big sheet of paper (or stick a few together – this is what we did) and draw round yourself. On separate bits of paper draw various clothing items and make different outfits for the paper person!

2. Make a nail salon - Draw round your hand on paper or cardboard, cut them out and pretend you are in a nail salon and paint the nails with nail varnish.

3. Make cress heads – use the shells from boiled eggs and decorate them, add some damp cotton wool and some cress seeds and watch their cress hair grow!

4. Make an Easter Bonnet.

5. Make Easter cards and send them to friends and relatives who may need a little pick me up at this time.

6. Make story stones. Pick a favourite story and paint some rocks with the key characters and see if you can re-tell the story using the painted story stones.

7. Make homemade playdough. You can add glitter or even spices such as cinnamon or a drop of vanilla extract to make it smell lovely too!

8 tbsp plain flour
2 tbsp table salt
60ml warm water
food colouring
1 tbsp vegetable oil 

Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. In a separate bowl mix together the water, a few drops of food colouring and the oil. Pour the coloured water into the flour mix and bring together with a spoon. Dust a work surface with a little flour and turn out the dough. Knead together for a few minutes to form a smooth, pliable dough. If you want a more intense colour you can work in a few extra drops of food colouring. Store in a plastic sandwich bag (squeeze out the air) in the fridge to keep it fresh.

8. Use up the craft kits that have been laying around the house since the last birthday!

9. Make slime

100ml PVA glue (kids craft gloopy glue)
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
food colouring
1 tsp contact lens solution

Mix the glue, bicarbonate of soda and food colouring (keep adding until you get a bright colour!). Add the contact lens solution to the mixture and the slime will start to form. Knead it like dough into a ball. For tips on texture slimy solutions check out BBC Good Food.

10. Raid the recycling and do some junk modelling, maybe even make it a competition between all the family members!

11. Freeze some toy animals in ice and let the kids chisel them out and set them free.

12. Build a rainbow with various coloured items from around the house.

13. Make a mud bath for toy animals by mixing drinking chocolate and water. Then wash them off in clean soapy water afterwards.

14. Make, cook and paint salt dough cakes and food to put in a pretend bakery or restaurant.

250g Plain flour
125g Table Salt
125ml Water
Preheat the oven to its lowest setting and line a baking tray
Mix the flour & salt. Add the water and stir until it becomes a ball.
Roll out the dough onto a floured surface and cut into shapes (get creative!) If you’re making hanging decorations remember to punch the hole before cooking.
Put onto the baking tray and bake for around 3 hours until firm. Leave to cool.


15. Learn a new chore/skill – It’s time to watch what mummy and daddy do all day! Let kids watch you put the washing on, load the dishwasher, dust, clean the floor and then let them have a go the next day. As they get confident, draw up a family chore chart for the week.

16. Do a big jigsaw together as a family.

17. Dress up and put on a show/play, older kids can even film it on a phone and edit it.

18. Write an isolation diary. Not only will it get kids to think about what they have achieved that day, it gets them writing and will be interesting to look back on.

19. Phone elderly relatives and ask about their lives to write them into a family history book. You may discover things you never knew!

20. Wrap up some books to make story time a surprise.

21. Make a band from kitchen pots and pans then put on a show.

22. Tie a piece of string between two chairs to make a washing line and wash dolls/toys clothes in a bucket of water then peg them out to dry on the string.


23.   Plant sunflower seeds and see how much they grow.

24. Birdwatching - Make a chart with various birds and tally up how many and what kind you see for 30 mins every day. If it’s raining, watch from a bedroom window.

25. Do a scavenger hunt (can be indoors or outdoors)

26. Have a garden picnic (or an indoor one if it’s raining!)

27. Do a mini beast hunt.

28. Wash the car.

29. Bubbles (all kids love bubbles!) and if you haven't got any solution, just use washing up liquid and water.

30. Do some chalk drawing on the patio

On top of these there are also lots of online resources that your child can access:

  • www.ttrockstars.com allows children to improve their times tables and compete against friends and is allowing free access during school closures.
  • www.twinkl.co.uk have offered free access to their site which is usually only for schools so there are some great worksheets and resources on here.
  • www.kidztype.com is a fun tool to help children improve their typing ability and speed.
  • www.duolingo.com – learn a new language for free
  • ‘Art for Kids Hub’ on YouTube to help improve drawing and art project ideas
  • www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize covers all areas of the curriculum and supports learning from ages 3-19
  • www.topmarks.co.uk has a variety of activity ideas and online educational games.
  • www.literacyshed.com has a number of film clips with linked activity ideas.

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